Booking a Shoot

So you want to shoot with me?

If you are a woman, your chances of having a shoot with me are very good.
It doesn’t matter to me what your age is, what your height or weight is or even what you think you look like.
I promise to make you look the most beautiful you ever have.

So, if you want to shoot with me, here’s how you can make this happen:

Book in for  a shoot

– Book a shoot for a day &  time convenient for you – obviously a day which is  open and available in my studio.
– Pay the fees and everything will be organised for you and flow from there….
– Roll up for the shoot; [how a shoot works is explained here]
– Have a real ball shooting; and later,
– Get the images you have chosen.
– Enjoy them forever – display them, show them off, use them on social media and on your folio.
It is all clearly detailed on the shoot pages of my Harry Neelam Studios site: